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Build a parking structure on North Railway Avenue

A pedestrian overpass to the Junction is needed to keep people safe

Editor, The Record:

My family and I have lived in Mission for more than 50 years. We have seen many improvements in that time. Some good, some not.

Mission has to have a vision. Right now, that is not so. If you don't have parking you will not see Mission grow. Next you have to take all logging, and such trucks off of Main street. I thought dropping the speed was the answer, but people are still speeding on First Avenue and North Railway Avenue.

A raised parking level should be built on North Railway Avenue, much like the one in New Westminster. Costly, you say? You are right, it will be costly, but a viable solution. If you take the parking off Railway, you can have two-way traffic and build a parking deck with two levels, walkways to the main street, with access for wheelchair and strollers. Absolutely, it can be done.

Next you have to get politicians off their duffs and get an overpass to the Junction. I cringe every time I drive to the light at Highway 7 and 11. What are you people in office waiting for?

I see these poor souls pushing baby buggies and driving motorized carts, hunched in the wind getting soaked from drivers speeding past. I cannot for the life of me understand why there is no pedestrian overpass. Mission definitely has to catch up with at least a major city.

Sharon Anderson
