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LETTER: Opposed to mandatory vaccinations

A growing number of dissenters (call them anti-vaxxers if you like) are opting out and refusing to vaccinate their children.

I am adamantly opposed to our government mandating routine vaccinations to children because the entire theory and practice of vaccination is unscientific and doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

It simply doesn’t cut the mustard. A growing number of dissenters (call them anti-vaxxers if you like) are opting out and refusing to vaccinate their children because they are seeing through the deceptive and fraudulent government program called immunization that masquerades as science.

Edward Jenner, the so-called father of vaccination, has been eulogized by and large by the medical profession since the introduction of vaccination in the early 1800s.  However, Dr. Charles Creighton, a brilliant medical researcher and historian famous for his monumental History of Epidemics in Britain, describes him in a less flattering way:  “vain and petulant, crafty and greedy, a man with more grandiloquence and bounce than attainment, unscrupulous to a degree, a man who in his writings was never precise when he could possibly be vague, and never straightforward when he could be secretive.”

Jenner obtained his medical degree by sending 15 pounds to an obscure Scottish university.  When confronted with vaccinations that did not prevent  cases of smallpox, he explained that the vaccination mitigated the severity of the disease.  When the smallpox cases terminated in death, he described the vaccines used as “spurious.”

Only if successful were they regarded as “genuine.”

His eldest son died at 20 of tuberculosis after being injected with swine-pox at 18 months and six years later with cowpox.  He was sickly until his death.  James Phipps was vaccinated with cowpox pus as a child and then inoculated with smallpox about 20 times.  He died of tuberculosis at 21. Jenner’s closing years were years of misery as the failure of his vaccine fetish became increasingly evident.

Space does not allow me to enumerate the myriad reasons vaccination is to be considered a grotesque superstition and sinister practice with evil consequences.  Here are just a few:

1) vaccine ingredients (eg ethyl mercury, aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde) are toxic and destructive.

2) Adverse reactions are far more prevalent, permanent and even fatal than reported by the medical profession. 3) Fragile immune systems are being systematically crippled and destroyed.  The sufferings of children (and parents) is incalculable.

4) Autism, diabetes, asthma, life-threatening allergies and debilitating developmental diseases are epidemic.

5) Herd immunity is a sham. Measles outbreaks, for example, have occurred in fully-vaccinated populations. It’s simply a ploy to persuade people to keep up with their vaccination schedule.

6) Infectious diseases were on a sharp decline in the 20th century well before mass vaccination with the introduction of sanitation, clean water, hygiene and increasing availability of fresh vegetables and fruits.

7) Studies have never been conducted by CDC and other government agencies to compare the health status of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated.  The results would speak for themselves.

8) Polio in the ’40s and ’50s was caused by pesticides such as DDT and BHC which were liberally sprayed on and around humans and cattle. It had nothing to do with a wild virus passed from one victim to another.

Mandatory vaccination is a violation of our inherent civil rights and of the Nuremberg Code. It is contrary to our Canadian Constitution. As Walene James states, “It’s time to liberate ourselves from the nursery of non-think in which blind belief flourishes to begin the journey, not only to freedom, but to maturity.”

Ralph Neumann
