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LETTER: Seventh Ave. should have been widened

Mission’s greenway / bike lane not worth the monry

Kudos to Councillors Elias and Gill for speaking the truth about this roadway engineering fiasco.

I live a block west of Seventh and Stave and use Seventh Avenue every weekday to go to exercise at the Leisure Centre, as well as at other times of day to run errands.

I am now familiar enough with all of the “eccentricities” of this “greenway” project but heaven help those who use this arterial route less often.

The front page picture (in the Mission Record) of the car “trapped” on the greenway speaks volumes.

The Mayor and the many councillors who think this greenway project is a success should hang their heads in shame and should definitely not seek re-election. They are not worthy of such a responsible position.

I also find it interesting that, as Councillor Elias noted, I have yet to see a single cyclist use the bike lane. Seventh Avenue is a major arterial route in Mission and, if anything, should be widened not narrowed by the absurd bike lane.

I feel badly for the Seventh Avenue residents who have to put their garbage and recycling out on the median for collection. It is absolutely absurd to expect people to do that when they are already paying heavy taxes to get garbage/recycling collection at their doorstep.

The money used to support this unnecessary and seemingly unwanted bike lane should have been used instead to install sidewalks on 14th Avenue and the many other roads in Mission which are desperate for sidewalks.

I certainly know who I will and will not be voting for in the next election.

Karen Gardner
