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Letter: Walk your kids to school

Why are so many people driving children to school?

A new school year has begun for the children. I want to take a moment, as I did in June near the end of the 2016-17 school year, to implore the drivers of the children to consider adjusting your schedules by 10 or 15 minutes to walk the children to and from school.

The traffic congestion around the schools at drop-off and pick-up times does not just create nuisance traffic for residents living near the schools but it is dangerous for the safety of children as well as they try to navigate around dozens of mini vans and SUVs coming into and going out of the school area.

We are all concerned about childhood and adult obesity so I think walking a few blocks to and from school would assist in improving physical fitness as well as give some much needed family time for conversation, sharing news about the day, voicing concerns about problems, etc.

Please think about it. It would be environmentally friendly as well as good for the children and the adult’s physical and mental health.

Karen Gardner
