They've made folks smile, brought couples to tears, and flat-out embarrassed people on Valentine's Day.
Every year, the Chilliwack Harmony Chorus offers a unique and entertaining way to deliver valentines by serenading people with love songs.
"Send your sweetie a singing valentine," is their message.
Singing in barbershop-style, the chorus will have two or three quartets out on Feb. 14 delivering singing valentines. The chorus is marking its 40th year and for about 15-20 years they've been offering singing valentines.
One quartet includes Gerry Borden (lead), tenor Gerry Sandau, baritone Bob Lounsbury, and Don Romanik singing bass. They'll go wherever people ask them to sing, including private homes, offices and care homes, Borden said.
“We went to manufacturing places, too, where we sang to guys who had to stop their work. They came over and put their hands on us, just to get back at us, with our white shirts on,” Sandau said.
Romanik loves seeing the reaction from couples as they hear the love songs.
“It really brings out the emotions in couples and they really do tear up. So it’s very emotional,” Romanik said.
Borden said singing barbershop is something that can be done anywhere, at anytime, as no instruments are needed. Plus, it's “generally singable” by the average person.
"Unlike a lot of music we have today, which is very beat-oriented, this is more melodically oriented,” Borden said.
In a quartet, one person sings melody while the other three sing harmony. When they hit one certain chord, it all comes together like magic.
“It creates what we call a barbershop ring – the fifth voice, or the angel’s voice, above the four notes,” Borden added.
For Romanik, when he first went to chorus rehearsals, it was just to listen. But, it was that "ring" that made him want to join.
“It called to me,” he said.
Sandau said a "big part" of his love for barbershop singing is the camaraderie.
Those who want to surprise their loved one with a singing valentine, or want to embarrass their coworker, can book a quartet to come by their home or place of work (from Agassiz to Abbotsford) on Valentine's Day. Depending on availability, people might be able to book a singing valentine for Feb. 12 or 13 instead.
The cost is $50 and includes two songs. The money helps the chorus pay things such as the cost of music, learning tracks, rental of rehearsal space, and teaching singing.
To book a singing valentine, contact Lloyd Johnston at 604-795-5682 or People can call and book right up until Feb. 14.
The chorus is also looking for new members. Those interested can pop into a rehearsal on Mondays at 7 p.m. at the Mathieson Centre (45195 Wells Rd.). For more, go to