Correctional Service Canada (CSC) officers recently seized several packages of contraband at Mountain Institution, a medium-security prison near Agassiz.
Among the items seized were cannabis concentrates; the total institutional value of the seized contraband is $70,000. The Agassiz RCMP and CSC are investigating.
The CSC uses a number of methods to keep contraband out of their institutions, including ion scanners, drug-detector dogs and searches of buildings, personal property, inmates and visitors.
"CSC also works in partnership with the police to take action against those who attempt to introduce contraband into correctional institutions," The CSC stated in a release dated Monday (Oct. 28).
The CSC has set up a phone tip line for all federal institutions to receive information about drug use, trafficking and other security threats. The toll-free number, 1-866-780-2784, helps ensure information shared is protected and that callers can remain anonymous.