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City of Mission plans to build new daycare facility on vacant municipal land

33083 Tunbridge Ave property currently vacant
A council image showing which portions of the development site need rezoning to allow development of the daycare.

The City of Mission plans to transform an empty municipal-owned lot on Tunbridge Avenue into a new daycare.

In partnership with Mission Association for Community Living, the city wants to build the “much needed” facility on 33083 Tunbridge Ave. with community spaces and office space on the second storey.

The 3.36-acre property was previously eyed for a new firehall in the Cedar Valley Local Area Plan (CVLAP), but it was determined to not be suitable after some analysis, according to staff.

Single-family residential lots have been developed to the south of the property, and it’s bordered to the north, east and west by larger suburban lots that have been developed. More townhouse projects are currently in development further west along Tunbridge Avenue.

The development will require rezoning, and amendments to the OCP and the CVLAP, as small portions of the development site are currently zoned “protected natural assets,” which restricts development.

While there are two water ditches, a watercourse and a wetland area on the lot, the daycare would be built away from those areas.

“We have seen designs for the building and the layout of the different park spaces and playgrounds, and the watercourses are really nowhere near those spaces,” said Rob Publow, the city’s manager of planning.

A public hearing notice will be sent to neighbours, and the hearing set at a later date.