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Road Closure - Laneway between First Avenue and Railway Avenue adjacent to 33368 First Avenue.


Intention to Close Road

The Council of the City of Mission, pursuant to the Community Charter, gives notice of intention close the following road:

ROAD LOCATION: Laneway between First Avenue and Railway Avenue adjacent to 33368 First Avenue.

[gps-image name="33696623_web1_230823-MCR-PublicNotice-RoadClosure-map_1.jpg"]

This notice is for the purpose of public disclosure, and to afford residents who may consider themselves affected by the closure the opportunity to make representations to Council.

More information may be obtained from the Corporate Administration Department at the City of Mission, 8645 Stave Lake Street, Mission, BC, V2V 4L9 or telephone 604-820-3700, Monday to Friday, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm (excluding holidays) or by email at