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LETTER: The cancellation of the tartan art piece was indeed good news

Amid all the negatives of social media it is nice to see a positive outcome

The cancellation of the tartan art piece made of plastic – the very product we are trying to rid from our society – was indeed good news.

Amid all the negatives of social media it is nice to see a positive outcome.

However, I was taken aback to read the mayor’s statement that the $50,000 does not come from tax revenue but from “gaming revenue.”

Any revenue collected by the city belongs to the shareholders of Mission – the taxpayers.

Surely, any gaming revenue would be better used to benefit some of the negative issues these businesses create.

Citizens are entitled to spend their extra money on this entertainment but gaming may become an addiction in itself, leading to hardship and eating up resources of government agencies.

As art is in the eye of the beholder, the taxpayers should be able to cast their opinions about any proposed art as they are qualified to judge the value of art.

One does not need to be a professional artist to object to the Metal M.

With the unanimous decision to go forward, then a unanimous decision to cancel, do we have diverse opinion on our council or seven bobble heads?

In a gesture of contrition, councillors could each donate towards covering the existing $1,000 cost left to come out of the taxpayers’ pocket.

Jeanette Smith
