Baltej Dhillon will be the keynote speaker for a We’re Your Neighbours immigration forum set for March 17 at Mission’s Copper Hall on Railway Ave.
The event is being put on by the Mission Community Services Society’s (MCSS) New to Canada department.
Dhillon, the first RCMP member to be permitted to wear a turban, will make a presentation called Tolerance Is Not Enough.
The MCSS Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) is leading the forum and has invited Mission Coun. Pam Alexis to speak on the District of Mission’s perspective on newcomers to Canada. Local clients from Syria and other countries will share their special stories on how and why they made their way to Canada.
The LIP also plans to have a property management spokesperson at the event to address issues surrounding housing for those new to Canada.
Mission LIP coordinator Rick Rake will lead a discussion on the hashtag #All Are Welcome Here image and bumper sticker initiative to deal with public and social media commentary that is not pleasant to newcomers.
The effort is being adopted by communities across the country, launching in Ontario.
Cost of the forum is $5 to cover food expenses. To pre-register or ask questions, contact or Annie Charker at
Availability is limited.
The event begins at 8:30 a.m.