Maintenance on the Blind Slough and Ruskin Dams will impact traffic throughout March.
According to a news release from the City of Mission, Ruskin Dam will have single-lane alternating traffic beginning Monday (March 4) and lasting until March 27.
Access across Ruskin Dam will be maintained via Hayward Street. Crews will work on the retaining wall for Ruskin Dam on the high side of Wilson Street.
Blind Slough Dam will be closed to all traffic on March 18 to March 28 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. for BC Hydro annual maintenance.
Detours will be available through Dewdney Trunk Road, Wilson Street, Hayward Street and Keystone Avenue. The closure will still allow access for emergency vehicles and scheduled school buses.
The City of Mission advises residents to plan travel accordingly on the maintenance dates.
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