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Cell tower won’t be built by Mission Sports Park

Council supports new location at Mission Golf Course
A proposed new cell tower would be constructed at the Mission Golf and Country Club instead of the Mission Sports Park.

There will not be a cell tower constructed beside the Mission Sports Park.

Last week, council gave its support to a proposal to construct the wireless communications facility at 7983 Nelson Street – at the Mission Golf and Country Club – rather than the original suggestion of 8020 Oyama Street, by the sports park.

In April of this year, a group of concerned parents protested against the tower being constructed so close to an area where children play.

The group quoted studies that suggested cell towers can cause many health concerns and asked council to move the project away from the park.

At that time, Mayor Randy Hawes said he personally felt there was no risk and that WorkSafe, Industry Canada and other agencies seem to feel that this is not a carcinogenic.

In May, council decided not to support the project, instead asking Freedom Mobile to pursue another option, the Mission Golf Course and Country Club.

Since then, Freedom Mobile has been working with the club and is now proposing to install a 50 metre high wireless communication facility next to the maintenance/works yard building located near the center of the golf course.

“This is quite a distance away from houses. You will see it, but I think they are going to disguise it,” said Hawes.

Coun. Danny Plecas said he was pleased that the tower has been moved away from the sports park.

“I think this is a very good compromise position and is very helpful. I think it makes a lot more sense here and I’m very glad that the golf course offered to do this.”

Coun. Carol Hamilton said she supported the move, adding it should have “minimal impact” on the golf course.

According to the staff report, the 50 metre tall tower will accommodate three initial flush mounted panel antennas, three future panel antennas, two initial microwave dishes, two future microwave dishes, six initial remote radio units and six future remote radio units

Two equipment cabinets and one Freedom Mobile System Modules and Electrical Equipment on H-frame will be located near the base of the monopole. The monopole is to be painted dark green and a ladder will be attached to the side, approximately 3.5 metres above the ground.

Cell tower construction is under the jurisdiction of Industry Canada so the final decision isn’t necessarily in council’s hands. All Mission can do is voice its concurrence or non-concurrence on the proposal.

Kevin Mills

About the Author: Kevin Mills

I have been a member of the media for the past 35 years and became editor of the Mission Record in February of 2015.
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