A vehicle thief’s high-speed escape through snow and slush ended in a crash of “spectacular fashion” according to Hope RCMP.
Police began chasing the suspect after receiving a call last Thursday (March 2) that a pickup truck had been stolen on Hudson Bay Street. The pickup, which was a company work truck, was equipped with GPS tracking that allowed the owner of the company to provide “real-time updates” to the police as the suspect drove from Hope to Othello, before turning around and traveling to the Popkum exit in an attempt to drive backwards to Hope.
“Given the road conditions, police were prepared to wait for the vehicle to stop before engaging with the driver,” said Staff Sgt. Dwayne Farlin. “There was too much risk to the public to try and attempt to stop the vehicle any sooner. We had the resources in place to follow the truck for as long as necessary.”
The chase, which involved police from Hope, Agassiz, BC Highway Patrol, and Chilliwack, ended when the stolen pickup truck crashed near Herrling Island, severely damaging the vehicle. The driver fled on foot only to be caught after police dog services were called in.
“This is a good example of the value of regional-ized policing,” said Farlin. “Hope had access to multiple resources to assist with the investigation, including the integrated police dog service.
“Without the police service dog, Nina, it is likely that the suspect would have not been located.”
READ MORE: Monday evening’s bear mace attack not random says Hope RCMP
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