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Mission park transition team created

District of Mission and the Mission Heritage Association working on Fraser River Heritage Park issue.
Transition team created to facilitate the transfer of park maintenance and operations.

The District of Mission and the Mission Heritage Association have established a transition team to facilitate the transfer of Fraser River Heritage Park maintenance and operations.

The team is made up of members of the Heritage Association – Brian Antonson (president),  Don Brown (manager of Fraser River Heritage Park), Abe Neufeld (vice-president) and Kate Gruenwald who will provide admin support to the Heritage Association members – as well as representatives of the District of Mission – Couns.  Pam Alexis, Carol Hamilton, Danny Plecas and Maureen Sinclair, director, parks, recreation and culture.

Admin support will be provided by corporate admin and parks, recreation and culture as needed.

“This team’s role is to ensure there is no disruption in maintenance or operations through the transition of the park,” said acting-Mayor Danny Plecas.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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