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New manager now on the job

Alan Reggin is Mission's manager of assets and infrastructure
Alan Reggin is Mission's new manager of assets and infrastructure.

Mission's new manager of assets and infrastructure begins his new post this week (Aug.19).

Alan Reggin, a professional engineers, has 10 years of experience in infrastructure asset management in the public and private sectors.

Reggin says the position with the district will allow him to use his technical and financial management skills to positively impact the community. Reggin's goals in his new role are to hold public safety and public interest paramount, to help create a more liveable, environmentally and financially sustainable region by developing practical innovative solutions for infrastructure management problems.

As a consultant for the past nine years, Reggin has worked on projects with assets ranging in value from  several hundred thousand dollars to hundreds of millions of dollars. These include road networks, airports, marine ports, and water/sewer networks.