I am recently married and have lived in Mission the last four years. I am a proud parent of two adult children.
I work as a social worker and collaborative practices facilitator. I have been active in the Green Party both federally and provincially. I am community-minded and have a track record of being community involved. I am an active member of CAUSS.
In Mission, I believe our natural environment is one of our greatest assets and if elected, I will do my best to ensure environmental safeguards are strengthened and respected and the public interest is protected. I will commit to do my best to listen and to ensure that citizens are well-informed and involved prior to public hearings and prior to decisions being made. Feel free to contact me personally, with any questions, issues or concerns via e-mail at mike@mikegildersleeve.com, by calling 604-308-8234, or visiting www.mikegildersleeve.com.