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Proposed apartment buildings would have live-work units

There were no objections and few questions posed during a public hearing about a proposal to build three apartment buildings with commercial/retail space in downtown Mission.

The three-phase development is located at the corner of First Avenue and Wardrop Street. There are a total of 163 residential units and about 842 sq. metres of commercial space.

The developer, Perspective Investments Ltd., also plans to include live-work units, where a store's owner can reside above the business.

Currently the area is undeveloped and mostly treed with thin, sporadic specimens, said Barclay Pitkethly, Mission's deputy director of planning.

He explained the 14-lot site would be consolidated into one and the project would involve the closure of a portion of Maple Street and a lane.

A third reading report will be brought back to council before adoption can be considered.