Section 127 (1) of the Community Charter provides that Council must make available to the public a schedule of the date, time and place of Regular Council meetings and give notice of the availability of the schedule at least once a year. The following is a list of meetings of the Municipal Council of the City of Mission for 2024. This schedule is also available on the City’s web page and is posted on the Notice Board at Municipal Hall. Regular Council meetings will take place on the first and third Mondays of each month unless otherwise noted by an *,**, or ***.
Meetings will be held in the Council Chambers at Mission Municipal Hall, 8645 Stave Lake Street, Mission, BC commencing at 6:00 pm unless otherwise indicated.

* Meeting takes place on Tuesday due to statutory holiday
** Meeting takes place on an irregular Monday (not the first or third Monday of the month) due to scheduling conflicts
*** Meeting will not take place this week due to scheduling conflicts

Jennifer Russell, Corporate Officer
Dated at Mission, BC this 17th day of October, 2023